Thursday, October 21, 2010

Finally, is my off day

I am so happy, waiting for the time to fly fast in the office just now, finally my moment has came, I get to stay back from work, means that I do not have to go to work starting tomorrow untill Sunday! Wheepyyy! I am happy! I hate coming to work, honestly.

Anyway, my work sucks, I just miss my boyfriend and my family as well. After work, the first person I wanna meet is my boyfriend, he is a very loving caring person. Damn, I am so fat, I'm not sure if I able to fit in some of my dress. I see most of my girl-friends have lose tones of weight, but I gain lots of weight and that is very bad. Needed to lose tons of weight, just lazy to get my butt off and work out! Piggy as usual.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The secret journey

I choosen the secret journey as a title for my blog for some reason and that is the secret journey key of my life. Been thinkng what in the world should I name my blog, just zoom up and hola I got this name in my mind.

Well anyway, freaking hate going back to work later, definately will be alot of shit dramas, and calls from customers. Being technical support is not an easy pie kind of job, is a job that give you a bomb headache! Every person that calls in will have a "great" problem on their desktop mechine such as outlook, microsoft office, lotus notes and other desktop issue and also not to forget push mail which we called that for I-phone and blackberry issues. IT is great thing to learn, but to learn new things for a short period of time and people just keep pushing and scolding you all the way is just freaking annoying! Hey, I am still new, give a break!

I don't know who to talk wth about my job thing, that is why I open this blog is to share my feelings of life. Yeah i know work is a part of life, but I am not happy. In the office, I do not smile a lot, I don't trust noone in the office, I come in and work, after wok, I go home, that's me. The only thing that makes me happy is my weekends off, I do not need to face some shitty works. Damn, I am stress, before I come to work, I pray so hard to ask God to help me not to be tension and stress, an every morning, my tears fall because thinking of the hell work, I'm going out of my mind damn...!

Well, need to grow up to face the real world and that's life, I think.